Wednesday, October 17, 2007

hello kids!

I know, I know, it´s been so long. Somehow time got away from me, but it doesn´t mean I haven´t been thinking about you all. I saw you recently, so you know I´ve been living in New Orleans. But now, I am finally travelling!

I am actually sitting in an internet cafe in Santa ROsa de Copan, Honduras (find it on the map!) accross from my awful but funny hotel. I actually have to walk by a tractor thing to get to my dingy room, but everything deserves a story, right?

I arrived in ANtigua, Guatemala a few days ago. I have been here twice before, and I would say this: it is one of the most beautiful cities I have ever been in. But now that I have been to so many places on the planet, I can´t help but compare it to ither places I´ve been. It is very touristy, which has it´s good points and bad points. It means that I can have whatever kind of food I would like, good coffee, and good conversation with other English speaking travelers with all the comforts of home like hot water. But it also means that I can avoid trying to eat new things, meet local people, speak Spanish, and learn from being uncomfortable. So after two days, I decided it was time to go.

I stayed in a dorm room on the outskirts of town, knowing that I would have to leave at 4 am for the next adventure. THis turned out to be a good thing, as I shared a room with a really nice girl from Czech Republic. SHe and I traveled together to the Honduran border to see the Mayan ruins of Copan. We then decided to explore further and took a local bus, called a chicken bus, because many people take chickens on them, to some smaller Honduran towns. Very interesting.

Tomorrow we head back to Guatemala, but to the East coast which is very different than the rest of the country. Guatemala has a very very small piece of land on the Carribean sea, in between Honduras and Belize. The culture is much different, as I have been reading, but I don´t feel comfortable telling you all about it until I am actually there. But I am excited to see new places.

I don´t know if you all remember, but I was here before, and spent a couple weeks learning Spanish, and living with a local family. I got to be very close with this family, as their daughter Wendy, lived in Los Angeles. I am actually heading to stay with them again after 6 years!!!! I am excited, but my Spanish is terrible right now, so I am also a little nervous.

ANyway, it had been so long that I had checked in, thought I would start now.
Miss you all. Had a blast seeing you!
I´ll be back soon.


At 4:54 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

hey rbecca seventh gade is fun bout not as fun as fourth fifth and sixth grades. we just came back from the balclutha trip today. from ruby


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